About us

About us

Management of shorebirds at Omaha began in the late 1980s, with signage and temporary fencing of the main breeding area at the tip of the spit each year. Dotterel breeding success remained low however, and from the mid-1990s predator trapping by local residents began.

At the same time, discussions between Auckland Regional Council, Rodney District Council, land-owner Alistair Dryden, the Department of Conservation and members of the local community, resulted in the tip of the spit being vested in the District Council and gazetted as North Omaha Reserve in 2000.

In 2009, the community’s role in shorebird management at Omaha was formalised when a charitable trust was set up. The main aim of the trust is to benefit the community by protecting shorebirds and their habitat on Omaha Spit and in Whangateau Harbour.

Members of the Trust undertake predator control, monitor the birds’ breeding success, provide advocacy and information, liaise with the wider community, and raise funds to carry out these activities.

The trustees are:

   Dr Marie Ward (Chair)

   Sharon Kast

   Sue Cook

   Dr Ruud Kleinpaste (advisory trustee)